How to create YAML files

I'm not going to explain what YAML is, nor its uses, if you want to learn how to create one, I'm pretty sure you already have that information. So let's get straight to the heart of the matter.

Let's start with basic syntax:

# Remember "Key: Value". This key and value pair is called a map.

# String variables
vegetable: "Lettuce"
fruit: "apple"
animal: 'dog'

# String in multiple lines
dutch: | 
 I have a plan, Arthur,
 and this one is a good one.
# Write a single line in multiple lines
Multiline-message: >
 this will 
 all be 
 in one single line.
# Same as
message: !!str this will all be in one single line
number: 5473
marks: 98.76
# Boolean
booleanValue: !!bool No # n, N, false, False, FALSE
# Same for true -> yes, y, Y

# Specify the type
zero: !!int 0
positiveNum: !!int 45
negativeNum: !!int -45
binaryNum: !!int 0b11001
octalNum: !!int 06574
hexa: !!int 0x45
commaValue: !!int +540_000 # 540,000
exponential numbers: 6.023E56
# Floating point numbers
marks: !!float 56.89
infinite: !!float .inf
not a num: .nan

# Null
surname: !!null Null # or null NULL ~
~: this is a null key

# Dates and time
date: !!timestamp 2002-12-14
random time: 2001-12-15T02:59:43.10 +4:00
no time zone: 2001-12-15T02:59:43.10

Now, the good stuff, sequence and maps:

 cities: !!seq
 - new york
 - madrid
# Same as
cities: [new york, madrid]
# If some of the keys of the seq will be empty, it is a sparse sequence
sparse seq:
 - hey
 - how
 - Null
 - sup
# Example of a nested sequence
 - mango
 - apple
 - banana
 - marks
 - roll num
 - date
# nested mappings: a map within a map
name: Michael De Santa
  age: 45
  job: bank robber
# Same as
name: Michael De Santa
role: { age: 45, job: bank robber}

# Pairs: keys may have duplicate values
# !!pairs

pair example: !!pairs
 - job: student
 - job: teacher

# same as
pair example: !!pairs [job: student, job: teacher]
# this will be an array of hashtables

# !!set will allow you to have unique values
names: !!set
 ? Franklin
 ? Michael
 ? Trevor

# Dictionary !!omap
people: !!omap
  - person1:
     name: Franklin
     age: 25
     height: 1.83
  - person2:
     name: Trevor
     age: 46
     height: 1.86
# I already cover yaml archor in my Docker-Compose guide, 
# but I will be covering it here again
likings: &likes
  fav fruit: mango
  dislikes: grapes

  name: Michael
  <<: *likes

  name: Trevor
  <<: *likes
  dislikes: berries # This overrides the value of "dislikes" in the archor

# This will look like
  name: Michael
  fav fruit: mango
  dislikes: grapes

  name: Trevor
  fav fruit: mango
  dislikes: berries

That's all. If you want something more complex... do it! This guide is supposed to be simple because it only focuses on syntax, like all "Learn this language" guides on the Internet. 
