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How to clean your Docker.

I'm not joking, do it, you will thank me later.

The faster way of doing this is using the CLI. I explained how to do it in my Self-Hosting guide, but I'm going to sum it up here.

# We can delete all stoped container, every network not use by al least one container, all dangling images and all dangling build cache.
docker system prune
# We can delete all stoped container, every network not use by al least one container, every unused image and all build cache.
docker system prune -a
# Do the same but filtering specific images
docker system prune --filter nginx:alpine
# Or just the volumes
docker system prune --volumes # First way
docker volume prune # Second way
# Or just the networks
docker volume prune
# Or we can do the same but without asking for confirmation
docker system prune -a -f  

That's it, nice and fast.
